Statement of Faith
We consider the following to be among the basic tenets of Biblical Christianity:
- We believe that the HOLY BIBLE is Gods final revelation and constitutes our all sufficient rule of faith and practices – II Timothy 3: 16 – 17.
- We believe in PERSONAL SALVATION by faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ by which sinners are regenerated (born again) through repentance – Romans 5: 12 – 21
- We believe God eternally exists in three persons, Father, Son and the Holy Ghost and that these three are but one God – John 1: 18; 15:26; 17:11; Zachariah 14: 9; Matthew 28: 19
- We believe in BAPTISM as an outward sign of burial to the old nature – Romans 6: 4 and as an act of obedience in fulfilling all righteousness – Matthew 3: 15.
- We believe the CHURCH consists of persons who have been regenerated (born again/saved) by the Holy Spirit and made new creatures in Christ Jesus – Ephesians 1: 22 – 23; 2: 22; 1 Peter 1: 23.
- We believe that ALL HAVE SINNED and come short of the glory of God, and that through the death and risen power of Christ, all who believe in Him can be saved from the penalty and power of sin – Genesis 1: 26 – 31; 3: 1 – 7; Romans 5: 12; 1 Peter 1:23.
- We believe in the Literal, Personal and Physical second return of our Lord Jesus Christ – 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 – 17; Titus 2: 13; 2 Peter 3: 13.
- We believe that Satan/Devil exists to oppose and try to frustrate God’s plans and purposes – 1 John 3:8; 1 Peter 5:8.
Our Board of Directors & Staff
Bob Labig: Treasurer
Jeanette Schielke: Secretary
Alan Dyson: Board Member
Nancy Hagerman: President
Christine Jackson: Executive Director
Joyce Labig: Accounts Receivable

Board of Directors & Statement of Faith
January 15, 2014