Lampas International: A Ministry to Street Kids
Principal Goal: To make Christ known to the most needy!
“Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street.” Lamentations 3:19
History of Lampas: In December of 1989 the ministry to the street kids of Mexico, which was later named Lampas, was founded by Jesús Gutiérrez, a former street kid from Argentina. He was joined in 1990 by his wife, Rosario Flores de Gutiérrez (from Mexico) and Sharleen Turner (from the U.S.). The ministry was started by visiting 2 locations in Mexico City where street kids lived, and has expanded to include over 20 locations. The street kids typically are children and teenagers between the ages of 8 and 18 who live in parks, subway stations, under bridges, in abandoned buildings and wherever they can find a place to sleep. Most of them are on drugs, and come from difficult and abusive family situations. Various forms and methods are used to reach the street kids for Christ as they are visited where they live, such as sharing food with them when possible, first aid attention, soccer and other games, and always a time of sharing God’s Word. Thousands of street kids have heard the Gospel over the more than 12 years the ministry has been in existence. In addition, each year camps for street kids have been held, and special evangelistic activities for Christmas and other times during the year. In 1996, Lampas A.C. became incorporated as a non-profit organization in Mexico, and the name “Lampas International” was officially used for the existing ministry to street kids.
In 1995, a property of approximately 15 acres was purchased named Rancho Jireh, which consequently has been used for the street kids’ camps as well as other activities such as evangelistic Sports Days and Bible Conferences. In addition, in the fall of 1998, the Jireh Bible Institute was opened (also at Rancho Jireh) specifically for former street kids and others who want to learn more about the Bible in an intensive 3 year program that includes Bible training, discipling in Christian living, and practical training such as carpentry and other work skills. The Bible Institute students also form part of the team for the summer street kids’ camps as part of their practical experience.
The goals and vision for the future of Lampas International are as follows:
- Continued formation of a solid full-time ministry team both in Mexico and Internationally. (A small team has been formed in Argentina working with street kids and other needy kids there, and with a possibility of buying a property there as well. There are also plans to start a team in Lima, Perú.
- Continued evangelism and discipleship- program of street visitation and special activities with a new emphasis on individual discipleship.
- Continued expansion and construcion at Rancho Jireh- cover for the basketball court, finishing the water tank, cabins for missionary families, additional dormitory space, etc. for the growth of both the summer street kids’ camps and the Jireh Bible Institute.
- Drop-in Center- The vision is to be able to use this place for giving out food and clothes, taking showers, and for Bible studies. It could also be used as a filter to choose those who would attend the Bible Institute.
- Missionary Work- The desire of Lampas is that after having left the streets, received Christ, been discipled and finished their 3 years of Bible Institute that the former “street kids” might understand the privilege it would be to be involved in God’s work and become pastors or full-time workers in this ministry team or in another and be sent to reach street kids without hope either in this country or internationally.
How to contact Lampas:
Mailing address: Lampas A.C.
Apartado Postal #276
Admon. Plaza Satélite
Cto. Parque #3, Cd. Satélite
C.P. 53102 MEXICO
Tel/Fax: 011-525-55- 379-5763 Office in Mexico City